Law & Order SVU The Unofficial Companion - Now on Pre-order!

Any fan of the "Law & Order" series, particularly ones who flock to the "Special Victims Unit" arena should make sure this book is on their shelves the minute it comes out -- which is slated to be September (though the Amazon pre-order currently indicates October). apocrypha naturally has a bit of a bias, as one of your authors here is the co-author on the book, but don't let that sway you! Or, if it makes you buy more, definitely let it sway you.
The book includes an extensive episode guide, interviews with every major player (and a few minor ones) through the years, a set visit during the filming of a full episode, and much, much more.
More to come here once we have any info on bookstore appearances, signings, etc.
Just go here to pre-order now!
Labels: law and order svu, unofficial companion
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